Rodney Smith

Programer/Web Developer, Student

About Me

About ~ Rodney

Hello, My name is Rodney Smith, I am a Student at the Mississippi Coding Academy

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Completed Projects

Detriox Project

The task for this project to be done was basically create the design that was given. Write semantic markup and style the page like the design page that was given.

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The Bootstrap_Grid Project was designed by me to resemble a pdf of a Venedor Website. Aside from the Pizza Shop(HTML), this site is HTML & CSS envolved to obtain a visual understanding by my instuctors of how well i've become in programming HTML & CSS. Therefore the design of the page is more appealing to the client.

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Pizza Shop (HTML)

The Goal of this project was to design a webpage that was only HTML.
The project was complete a website that allows the incoming user to build a pizza that they want with the given toppings and choices. the project included guidelines such as three pictures at the top page and a link that wold go from the bottom of the page to the top
(Basic HTML)

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Pizza Shop (HTML & css)

The Goal of this project was to design a webpage using the HTML & CSS coding languages.
The project was complete a website that allows the incoming user to build a pizza that they want with the given toppings and choices. the project included guidelines such as three pictures at the top page and a link that would go from the bottom of the page to the top
(Basic HTML)

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